Milda Gintilienė, Evelina Lamsodienė, Vaida Šidlauskaitė
The paper discuss the occupational therapy and physiotherapy students’ (Kaunas kolegija Faculty of Medicine) practical skills experience – reflections to the providing services to older age groups in the learning process, in conjunction with the social partnership and dissemination. The study was performed in one elderly day care centre in Kaunas. Targeted students from Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy specialities participated in the project “Healthy aging from the physical and psychosocial point of view”.
The project took place on the 2012, October – December. In project, the students could develop and evaluate their practical skills while working with the elderly. Students had access to real practice with the elderly, gained experience to adapt and work in unusual conditions, were able to assess the importance of professional communication and the special features when dealing with elderly clients. The study assessed the students’ experience, based on their written reflections, distinguishing between the two experiences blocks – positive and negative student experience. Seniors were also evaluated at the beginning and end of the study by “Geriatric Depression Scale”. The results highlighted a positive students experience, which is related with the successful collaboration with clients (positive mutual relationships and humane relationships, based on creation of respect, trust, business-friendly atmosphere) relationship with themselves, personal and professional development, revaluation themselves as person and future professional (self-knowledge, self-overcoming, a new experience in the acquisition).
Keyword(s): practical training, student’s practice, students’ experience, reflection, elderly, depression
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.085
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