Vinsas Janušonis


The aim of the study – to estimate patients, who gave thanks for medics – doctors and nurses opinion changes and singularity of right healthcare, satisfaction and fruition their expectations. Material and methods. From January 2004 to December 2015 a survey was performed in Klaipeda University Hospital (KUH). The study included 197755 patients who were undergoing treatment in KUH. Information was collected via questionnaires (response rate 81,4%). The patients who gave thanks for medics group was analyzed apart. The survey was analyzed and compared for the periods 2004-2006 and 2013-2015. Results and discussion. The most part of patients who gave thanks for medics was aged 50-69 (15, 8%), at work, women. The time of healthcare services, information for patients, good contact and communication between patients and medics, patients’ satisfaction influenced the number of thanks. The number of thanksgiving have not direct correlation with healthcare quality. Conclusions. Patients thanksgiving has confirmed the KUH provided healthcare for the majority of patients are appropriate to meet their expectations and they are satisfied with it. Comparison of both analyzed periods has shown that over 10 years fell acknowledgments for medics. Age, gender and social status had the impact on the number of acknowledgments – more thanksgiving was from women, patients 50-59 year age, retired and persons with disabilities. The right cooperation between medics and patients, provision of healthcare information to patients increased the number of thanksgiving. The number of patients who satisfied with healthcare results and meet their expectations directly correlated with number of patients who gave thanks for medics.

Keyword(s): healthcare quality; patients satisfaction; healthcare assessment; patients’ thanks for medics.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.064
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