Alvydas Juocevičius, Ieva Jasiulionienė, Ingrida Bartkutė, Jurgita Stasiukynienė, Ieva Slivovskaja


The paper analyzes the psychological work of the Rehabilitation, physical and sports medicine center (RFSMC) dynamics, depending on the patient flow and procedures for distribution among its units, and the psycho-emotional state assessment of the arrived patients. The goal – to examine flow changes of the patients after musculoskeletal injuries and patients with chronic neurological diseases, during the last decade, and psycho-emotional condition readings of the arrived patients in the last five years. Statistical data covers the period of 2006 -2015 years. 7027 patients visited RFSMC psychologists, and were gotten 40,658 procedures, depending on the program composed by psychologist. The largest flow of patients is observed in 2015 (comparable figures observed in 2011 and 2012). The trend shows increase in the number of patients, and provided medical psychologist services is rising in 2015, respectively. In order to evaluate patients psycho-emotional state dynamics, there were selected patients visiting the outpatient rehabilitation after musculoskeletal injuries and patients with chronic neurological diseases 2010 – 2015 period. Psychological services were provided to 2,944 patients during the period. Anxiety level of expression by A.S. Zingmond Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) of the patients after musculoskeletal injuries upon their arrival to the out-patient rehabilitation department was higher as compared to patients with chronic neurological diseases. Depressive reactions were not observed or they were at a low level. Expression of anxiety and depressive reactions softened for the patients with chronic neurological diseases who have undergone psychological treatment. The high levels of depressive reactions were not observed in all the patients neither on arrival, nor on departure.

Keyword(s): outpatient rehabilitation; psycho-emotional condition assessment; radiculopathy; polyneuropathy; neurological disease; multiple sclerosis.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.048
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