Irina Klizienė, Gintautas Cibulskas, Audronė Astrauskienė, Jovita Vilkienė, Karolis Urbanavičius, Ovidijus Stropus, Daiva Bartninkienė
Examination’s materials and methods. The study took place during September-December in 2016, in the eight Lithuanian primary education classes. The study included students from 1-2 grade (n = 780), including 390 girls and 390 boys. During physical education classes, students took four physical capacity’s (FPJ) tests: the long jump from the place with two feet (cm); the pushing of 1 kg medical (stuffed) ball from the breast, (m); 3×10 m track race (s); the bending down (cm). The differences between a different gender, age and physical fitness were evaluated using the univariate dispersible analysis (ANOVA). The relations between variables were calculated based on Pearson’s correlation coefficient r. Results. 7-year-old children‘s long jump from the place tests results: 105.2 cm (girls) 118.3 cm (boys) (p <0.05). The pushing of 1 kg medical (stuffed) ball from the breast: girls – 2,73 m, the boys – 3.35 m. (P <0.05). 8-year -old boys’ long jump test results – 131.2 cm and girls – 118.4 cm (p <0.05). The results of the bending down tests: girls – 1.97 cm., and the boys – 2.3 cm. (P <0.05) Conclusion. The physical capacity of younger school-aged children with age is improving. However, agility, flexibility, and leg muscle’s explosive power is low.
Keyword(s): imary school children’s; physical capability.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.033
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