Rita Vaičekauskaitė, Brigita Kreivinienė, Jonas Tilvikas
An issue of integration between complementary and alternative(CAM) and traditional medicine is a talking-point in nowadays heathcare system. The anthropological, sociological, epistemological,medical literature analysis reveals fundamental preconditions forintegration of CAM and traditional medicine. However, in healthcare system we have dominant or selective integration betweenCAM and traditional medicine. In a situation of families of childrenwith disabilities the need for CAM services are complex andthe experienced effect is multidimensional with highly expressedsocial and psychological factors. Therefore the need for PAM andtraditional medicine integration gain importance aiming to provideeffective services for aforementioned families. Moreover, integrationof CAM and traditional medicine is constructed by socialcontext; therefore it is important networking for communicationamong medicine specialists and families. The aim of article is toreveal the preconditions and possibilities of integration of PAMand traditional medicine in a situation of families, raising childrenwith disabilities. Research methods are systemic literature analysis,meta-analysis of research data.
Keyword(s): children with disabilities, family, complementary and alternative medicine, traditional medicine
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.066
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