Viktorija Piščalkienė, Eglė Stasiūnaitienė
The article analyzes the problems related to the pre-operationalanxiety expression and reduction options. Stable emotionalstate of patients, adequate patient awareness is associated with asmooth post-operational period.Research methods: the analysis of scientific literature; statisticaldata analysis using SPSS 21 (descriptive statistics, the meancomparison T test, Anova test). The research was conducted onthe basis of a written questionnaire survey results.Research results. Almost half of the respondents evaluated thepre-operational anxiety at quite high scores. The highest anxietyis felt by the individuals who undergo the operation for the firsttime. The anxiety is often associated with pain. This implies thesupposition that the more the patient experiences pain in the preoperationalor post-operational period, the higher level of anxietyis identified. Women experience higher pre-operational anxietythan men do. The lower level of anxiety has been identified inthe group of elderly people. The highest pre-operational anxietyhas been diagnosed in women before Caesar, and gynecologicaloperations.Practically every other research participant has tried to overcomeanxiety during the pre-operational period on their own initiative(they searched for the related information via the Internet,and consulted with their doctor or relatives). Psychologicalsupport before the operation is mainly provided by the relatives.General practice and anesthesiology nurses play minimum rolein this field.Conclusion. The survey helped to reveal the possibilities ofpsychological support for patients before the operation and educationopportunities in surgical nursing practice.
Keyword(s): anxiety, pain, patient teaching, consulting
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.133
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