Janina Utkuvienė
In spite of various preventive programmes created in Lithuania and substantial means allotted for their implementation, there is no decrease of mental morbidity, with its indicators (incidence and prevalence) remaining stable. However, the continuous technological accomplishment allows to anticipate a great deal of changes in society. Modern information and communication technologies enable circulation of various and enormous torrents of information and its spreading in specific spheres of life. Finding of relevant information and selection of innovative communication methods are indispensible skills in preventive work and implementation of national mental health strategy.
This work aims to look over the possible uses of innovation communicative means in prevention of society‘s mental morbidity and to check projects realized in the country.
The results of the conducted analysis may be useful for identifying and filling up some gaps in scientific information.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): innovative communication; public mental health; prevention
DOI: 10.5200/246
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