Janis Zinkus, Greta Masiliūnienė, Arūnas Gelmanas, Ramūnas Tamošiūnas, Julius Masiliūnas, Andrius Macas
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a common surgery whichimproves mobility and quality of life. There is a possitive correlationbetween the intensity of acute postoperative pain and the riskof chronic pain development. Opioids, epidural infusion, lumbarplexus block are common options for postoperative pain controlafter TKA. Evaluation of postoperative analgesia efficacy, need foradditional analgesics, degree of motor block, haemodynamic parametersand side effects providing epidural infusion or continuouslumbar plexus bock after total knee arthroplasty. 36 patients whounderwent total knee arthroplasty were included. Patients whererandomized into two groups on the day of surgery: control group(epidural infusion) and study group (countinuous lumbar plexusblock). Pain was evaluated on the136 hour postoperatively and 24hours after surgery- pain intensity (visual- analog scale), level ofmotor block (Bromage scale), need for additional analgesics, heamodynamicparameters and side effects were recorded. The resultsshowed that pain relief during the first 24 hours after the operationwas equally effective in both epidural infusion and lumbar plexusblock groups (p>0,05). There was no difference in the level of motorblock, need for additional analgesics, side effects or haemodynamicparameters between the groups.
Keyword(s): epidural analgesia, lumbar plexus block, total knee arthroplasty, nervus block, epidural analgesia technique, regional analgesia technique, complications
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.126
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