Raimondas Šiaulys, Justina Domarkaitė, Michail Tarachovskij
Objectives: To overview and analyze the experience of pelvicexenteration at Klaipėda University Hospital and to compare datawith other studies.Methods: The retrospective overview of patients who underwentpelvic exenteration from May 2011 to December 2013 wasdone. Complications and outcomes were estimated.Results: The analysis of 8 patients’ data was performed. Themean age was 56,6 (36 – 72) years. The mean duration of recurrenceafter primary treatment was 3,5 (0,5 – 8 ) years. 7 out of 8 womenhad pelvic exenteration for radical intent and 1 for palliative. Themost common indication for pelvic exenteration was recurrentcervical cancer (62,5%). We performed 3 total, 3 anterior and 2posterior pelvic exenterations. 1 woman had infralevatory resectionand 7 had supralevatory resection. The median duration of theoperation was 306,25 (210 – 370) min. Pelvic exenterations wereradically performed for 75% of the patients (n=6). There was nopostoperative mortality during hospitalization. Median hospitalizationtime was 23,375 (14-51) days. 37,5 % (n=3) of patients hadcomplications during early postoperative period. 50% of the patientshad late complications (n = 4). During the follow-up we had onepatient death because of the progressing disease and one because ofmyocardial infarct MI. Progression of the disease after performedpelvic exenteration was diagnosed for 3 patients (37,5% ). Two ofthem had non-radical pelvic exenteration. 3 patients underwentchemotherapy treatment after operation.Conclusions: 1. Pelvic exenteration remains the last curativetreatment for patients with recurrent oncogynecological malignancy.2. Women need maximal investigatigation in order to reducenon-radical operations. Nevertheless, there will always be a part ofpatients whose possibility of radical surgery will be evaluated onlyduring the operation. 3. Postoperative complications are commonand can be lethal.
Keyword(s): Pelvic exenteration, Surgery, Recurrent malignancy treatment, Complications
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.087
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