Faustas Stepukonis, Sigutė Norkienė, Susan L. Hughes
Osteoarthritis is a widely prevalent chronic condition amongolder adults that is characterized by chronic joint disease that causeslimited flexibility and joint pain.This article overviews the disease prevalence, risk factors, andnon-medical treatment.We also proposed to implement in Lithuania a widely known inthe US evidence-based physical activity program Fit and Strong!,which improves osteoarthritis symptoms and functioning, also improvesmobility and low extremity strength for 18 months [1]. Thisprogram combines physical activity exercises coupled with healtheducation regarding the management of osteoarthritis through physicalactivity. Implementation of program Fit and Strong! programin Lithuania could effectively contribute to solving this challengingproblem for older adults.
Keyword(s): Older adults, osteoarthritis, physical activity, nutrition, programs
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.063
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