Jonas Kairys
The survey was conducted in April and May of 2011. In Šeškinė Outpatient Clinic of the City of Vilnius, 324 questionnaires were circulated amongst every fifth family nursing a baby.
Total number of questionnaires handed out was 324. 296 questionnaires were returned, feedback rate being 91.4 percent.
Majority of respondents was composed of young women born in 1980-1981. Most of the surveyed persons had university degree – 46.4% and higher education (non-university level) degree – 30.8%. Majority of the women were married – 84.6%. The largest group of the surveyed was employed in a private sector – 43.1%. The major part of respondents did not have any problems related to breastfeeding – 79.1%; 92.0% of the respondents made independent decision to breastfeed their babies and did so for 6 months and longer. Majority of respondents had the knowledge of the benefits of breastfeeding on the baby and mother health – 85.3%. Nurses gave knowledge to respondents about feeding frequency – 68.4%, breastfeeding benefits – 15.4%, breast and teat care – 3.4%. Nurses also taught the correct manner of positioning a baby to the breast – 63.2%. 110 respondents having university degree and 73 having higher (non-university) level degree said that nurses applied the latest knowledge on breastfeeding in their work.
Conclusions: 1. Majority of respondents did not have any problems of breastfeeding (79.1%), they made their own decision to breastfeed and fed their babies for 6 months and longer periods (92.0%); 2. Majority of respondents had the knowledge of the benefits of breastfeeding on the baby and mother health (85.3%); 3. Nurses provided knowledge about feeding frequency (68.4%), breastfeeding benefits (15.4%), breast and teat care (3.4%); 4. Nurses instructed about the correct positioning of a baby to the breast (63.2%).
Keyword(s): opinion of mothers, breastfeeding problems, nurse assistance.
DOI: 10.5200/176
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