Birutė Strukčinskienė, Aiva Dabašinskienė, Sigitas Griškonis
The survey on teenagers’ nutrition was conducted in fourKlaipeda County schools. In the survey participated 487schoolchildren, aged 15 – 19 years (from 9 -12 forms): 223 (45.8%)boys and 264 (54.2%) girls. Chi-square test was used, and thesignificance level p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.The study revealed that 60% of teenagers eat breakfast daily. Onlyabout one third (35.7%) of schoolchildren eat lunch at school. Littlepart (8.2%) of teenagers eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the sametime. The majority of young people aged 15 to 19 years eat threeand more times per day. Teenagers rarely discuss healthy nutritionissues either with family, or with their teachers. The majority ofschoolchildren prefer to get knowledge on healthy nutrition duringthe lessons on healthy lifestyle. The half (51.9%) of girls preferlearn on healthy nutrition during the lessons on healthy lifestyle,and 26.9% – at the internet; 35% of boys think that the main sourceof information on healthy nutrition for them is internet, 32.7% -TV,and 26.9% – the lessons on healthy lifestyle. The half of youngpeople doubt and are not sure do they have enough knowledge onhealthy nutrition. The majority (67.8 %) of teenagers use a healthydiet sometimes, 26.9% – always, and 5.3% – never. The girls aresignificantly more concerned on their healthy diet than boys. Only21.1 schoolchildren prefer not change their eating habits. The girlsare more inclined to change their eating habits than that of boys.
Keyword(s): nutrition, teenagers, schoolchildren, school, healthy lifestyle
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.084
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