Albertas Daukša, Aldona Jakštaitė, Augustina Gasianec, Žilvinas Dambrauskas


Pancreatic cancer has one of the worst prognoses of allgastrointestinal malignancies. One of the key proteins in themechanism of apoptosis is apoptosis protease-activating factorAPAF-1. The aim of this study was to determine expression ofAPAF-1 mRNA in pancreatic cancer. Real time PCR for APAF-1 mRNA was performed on 29 pancreatic cancer cases. Theassociation of APAF-1 mRNA expression with clinico-pathological features was analysed. APAF-1 mRNA expression was lower in 82.8 % in pancreatic cancer than in healthy tissues. The difference was found statistically significant (p=0.02). No association was found between APAF-1 mRNA expression in cancerous tissues and clinico-pathological features. To conclude, in this study we have demonstrated mRNA decrease of APAF-1, indicating that gene involved in cellular apoptosis might be involved in pancreaticcancer pathogenesis.

Keyword(s): Pancreatic cancer; mRNA; APAF-1
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.022
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