Jolita Rapolienė, Laura Pivorienė
Stroke – is a disease causing blood flow in the brain. It caused by a cerebrovascular disorder, heart disease or diabetes mellitus (1). In most countries population, the most common causes of death are chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCD), particularly cardiovascular disease (CVD). The most common consequence of stroke is paralysis of one side of the body, resulting in developing coordination, balance, movement disorders. The situation of patients occupational therapy after experiencing stroke is being analysed, however there is little knowledge and data, concerning the change in daily activities as well as the functioning of the damaged arm not only during the rehabilitation process, but also while continuing occupationaltherapy at home. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the situation of patients ability to perform daily activities as well as the performance of the damaged arm after experiencing stroke, during the rehabilitation process and occupational therapy at home. Material and methods. The study included 60 patients who were diagnosed with stroke in the right hemisphere of the brain. Patients were divided: group 1, n = 30 subjects were made up of occupational therapy home program and group 2 n = 30 subjects returned to the house and had only daily activities without additional occupational therapy program. The study was carried out from 2016. August – 2017. January. All subjects were applied – Questionnaire, Functional Independence Measure (FIM), dynamometry, Frenchay test. Results. Patients experienced stroke affected arm muscle strength is restored quickly, using occupational therapy home program with additional occupational therapy tasks. Conclusions. All subjects after six months showed a statistically significant improvement in self-sufficiency (p<0.05), group 1 subjects were able to perform daily activities independently and only in more complex activities remained necessary modified aid, and group 2 subjects remained minimal/medium of another person support. All subjects after half a year hand dexterity statistically significant improvement (p<0.05). In both treatment groups after half a year, hand muscle strength significantly increased (p<0.05). There was also a statistically significant difference between the groups after 6 months. It was found that manual dexterity statistically significantly associated with parezis hand muscle strength and patient autonomy in everyday activities.
Keyword(s): occupational therapy; occupational therapy home program; stroke; left arm hemiparesis; independence in daily activities; arm muscle strength.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2017.052
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