Viktorija Piščalkienė, Nijolė Zinkevičienė
Background and objectives. AD/HD is one of the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood, with an estimated prevalence 8-11%. Comorbidity is characteristic of this disorder. The authors of this paper are trying to compare manifestation of health and psycho-social problems of the children with AD/HD in groups (with and without bronchial asthma) with the general population. Material and methods. Health and psycho-social problems were evaluated in three groups of I-IV grade school-children: 1) Primary school children representing general population (N=178). 2) Primary school children with AD/HD, but not suffering from bronchial asthma (N=36). 3) Primary school children with AD/HD and suffering from bronchial asthma (N=36).
Results. In the group of children with AD/HD and bronchial asthma headaches, stomachaches, allergy, sleep problems, inclination to depression were more frequent in comparison with the group of children with only AD/HD (p≤0,05). In the group of children with only AD/HD, unwilled urination problems, disorders and habits of psychological- neurological nature (such as tics, speech impediment, nail biting) are more frequent. Problems of social behavior are also more frequent within the group of children with AD/HD (p≤0,05).
Conclusions. Primary school pupils representing general population face least health and psychosocial problems if compared with the children with AD/HD. Children suffering from AD/HD and bronchial asthma more often complain of somatic symptoms (headaches, stomachaches), allergy, sleep problems, inclination to depression, if compared with the children with only AD/HD. Nevertheless, in the group of children with AD/HD (without bronchial asthma) problems of enuresis, speech impediment and social behavior are more evident.
Keyword(s): primary class pupils; Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; Comorbidity; Psychosocial problems
DOI: 10.5200/304
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