Valentinas Mačiulis, Alina Stigienė, Alma Buginytė, Fausta Margarita Mickienė
Medical staff in Republican Vilnius Psychiatric Hospital, acting as deliverers of psychiatric services to patients, and striving to enhance the quality of treatment and the trust in institution, performed an investigation to learn how much their activities meet patients’ needs and expectations. The project was carried out in 2009-2010. Opinions of the staff and patients about the availability, timeliness and efficacy of services, the professional and communicative competence of staff, contacts with patients and their families, also about the safety and comfort of the environment were accumulated. The aim of the study was to analyze the quality of services and activities, adaptation of the surroundings and the psychological atmosphere. Methodology: Opinion pool by questionnaires according to subjects and objectives: 1. Evaluation of the services delivered; 2. Evaluation of the competence and communicational behaviour of medical staff; 3. Evaluation of the hospital surroundings and psychological atmosphere; 4. Sociodemography of respondents. The sample consisted of 200 inpatients and 200 workers of the hospital. General group of patients staying at RVPH and various specialists. Results: The staff believes their services are delivered to patients in proper time and without delay, in accordance to quality standards and patients’ needs and expectations, with respect and consideration for patients. Specialists are not always satisfied with the hospital premises and technical equipment. 45% of workers pointed out psychological and physical abuse experienced by patients and especially staff. 10% of patients think they do not receive services in due time and quickly. As many again are dissatisfied with shortage of communication while being attended. The services do not match expectations of 8-16% patients, so they would not use them again. The surroundings and the technical quality of accomodation meet patients’ wishes, however the proper atmosphere of treatment suffers from lack of trust and communication between staff and patients. Conclusions: There is difference of opinions between staff and patients about the quality of services, specialists and environment factors. The quality of services is evaluated higher by specialists, while patients are more satisfied with psychological atmosphere and surroundings.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): psychiatrics; hospital treatment; specialists; patients; quality of delivered services
DOI: 10.5200/242
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