Natalja Istomina, Lina Šakienė, Rokas Bagdonas, Ingrida Bakaitė
Work in the operating theatre is carried on under the team principle where division of labour, competence, instant reaction, tolerance, work knowledge and skills as well as associating with team members are of greatest significance. Fluctuation of operating theatre team members results in difficulty in concentration, loss of valuable time and work quality, and has negative influence upon work process. The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of the team work in the Operating Theatre Room from the viewpoint of team members. The sample was (n=21): operating theatre nurses, anesthesiologists reanimatologists, surgeons, other staff. The gender was not homogeneous; the experience of work of the participants was from 3 to 30 years. The qualitative research was done. The methods of critical analysis and semi-structured interview were used. The research should be significant in the development of the science of nursing and nursing practice in Lithuania, especially in the sphere of surgical nursing. It could also be useful to both nurses and patients as both these groups are interested in the improvement of nursing quality: nurses as suppliers of the service and patients as its receivers.
Keyword(s): operating theatre room; team work; operating theatre nurse; anesthesiologist reanimatologist; surgeon
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.028
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