Sandra Šileikaitė
Objective. To estimate Centro Out-patient Clinic patients, their relatives and health care professionals (family doctors and nurses) opinion about organization of nursing service at patients homes, quality of service, and assess patient expectations of nursing service organization.
Subject and methods of research: Study was made in Centro Our-patient Clinic in Vilnius city. Every adult patient who get home nursing service and health care professionals (doctors and nurses) who are working in primary health care were invited to participate in the study. We evaluated patients and health care professional’s opinion about quality of nursing services. Were included in the study 110 health professionals, 138 patients of Centro Our-patient Clinic. Questionnaire were coded, entered and analyzed with statistical analysis package SPSS v.17. To measure statistical significance of the difference between rates we used 95% confidence intervals. Differences in variability of discrete data we measured using χ2 test.
Results: About 99,3 proc. of all respondents accessibility of service rated to well, quality of home nursing service 97,1 proc. rated to well. All respondents’ trust nurses. 68,8 proc. would like to get nursing service in their homes. 81,8 proc. of health professionals think that home nursing service would be needed during working days during day. 49,0 proc. respondents’ general evaluation of service of home nursing is excellent, accessibility of service rated to 6,36 points. Quality of service evaluates better nurses then doctors.
Conclusion: Most of the patients’ and health professionals accessibility and quality of home nursing service, and information they get evaluate as very good. Most of the respondents’ would like to get nursing service at their home. It’s important not only to examine patients and health care professionals‘ expectations, but the application of nursing service model, integrating all levels of health care, focusing on nursing services and palliative care for patients at home.
Keyword(s): primary health care, out-patient health care, health care services accessibility, home nursing, palliative care, patient‘s, medical professionals, patient’s satisfaction and expectations.
DOI: 10.5200/171
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