Daiva Aškinytė
The aim of the present study was to describe last-year dental students’ learning in Vilnius University (VU), Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS), Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health (ASDOH) and Qassim University (QU) approach to equal gender rights in Dentistry and to compare it. A self-administered anonymous survey was comprised of structured questions about gender rights in Dentistry and 5 point Likert scale was used to express agreement with the statement. Results: The total of 175 questionnaires were returned, which compriced the responce rate of 79,5%. 36% of respondents were men. VU was the only school where not a single student claimed to have experienced teacher‘s sexual harassment. Significant gender differences were found expressing opinion about maternity leave: 77,78% male students from LUHS, 91,67% male students from QU, 77,27 % male students from ASDOH and 85,71% female dentists from VU indicated, that maternity leave may have a negative impact on female dentist carier. Most of the students claimed, that men and women in dentistry profession have equal prospects to be admitted to a Dental School, to earn equal annual income, to pursue career in public sector, to pursue careers in science, to pursue academic degrees. There were no significant gender or nationality differences. Conclusions: Both gender students from different countries have very similar attitude towards equal gender rights in dentistry. ASDOH students believe that female dentists are less likely to find a job. Attitude towards maternity leave’s impact on female dentist career depends on one’s gender and place of studies. Students from QU, LUHS and ASDOH claim to have experienced sexual harassment.
Keyword(s): equal gender rights, dentistry, sexual harrasment.
DOI: 10.5200/143
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