Aušra Marija Obelenytė, Vytautas Abraitis


Aim of the study – the evaluation of episiotomy validity performed in Department of Obstetrics and Gyneclogy in 2015. Methods. Performed a retrospective study involving 741 cases of mediolateral episiotomy. Clinical data of mothers and newborns was analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0 software package. Results. At daytime/evening hours was received 52,23 % labours, night-time/morning hours – 47,77 %. Most births received at 5 p.m.(6,2 %) and 10 p.m.(6,2 %), least – at 8 a.m (2,2 %). A small number of physicians and midwife performed most of episiotomy. More than 10 % of newborn at birth was found with hypoxia and acidosis in blood. 13,75% (n=103) of episiotomies was done on the basis of expection of heavy fetus (≥4000g), 2,7% (n=20) – on the basis of occipital posterior fetal position. 39% (n=289) of episiotomies was done after the epidural anesthesia and 2,7% after giving-birth using vacuum extractor (p<0,05). Analysis of the data showed that the III-IV degree perineal tears occurred in only 4 cases – 0,5 % of all subjects. Conclusions. Only in one tenth of the cases episiotomy was performed due to indication of unstable fetus condition. Episiotomy rate depends both on the time of day and the human factor. 99,5% of women didn’t suffer from the III-IV degree perineal tears, so we can state that the protection of perineal area is better in department of Gynaecology and Obstectrics at LUHS Clinics comparing with other sources of literature and European countries.

Keyword(s): episiotomy; perinatal hypoxia; perineal tear.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.056
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