Žaneta Valiulienė, Arvydas Šeškevičius
Purpose of investigation is ascertain and evaluation ofsocial health disorders of palliative patients, ill oncologicaldiseases. Investigation was performed starting from April2012 until April 2013. Population of investigation: 100investigatives, who are palliative patients, ill on oncologicaldiseases. The Karnofsky Performance Scale Index is lowerthan 50%. Results showed that family participates rarely bytaking desicions of palliative help. In mostly cases a helpget paliative patients, ill oncological diseases, who are of ayounger age. Older patients do not have a person, who couldhelp them, so they could share their worries and feelings andto be charmed. Oncological disease of patients of youngerage is making stress to the family members more often thanfor family members of older patients. Patients of youngerage have evaluated relations with family members, friends,neighbours with the highest rates, they would like to getmore support from their family members.
Keyword(s): palliative help, oncological patients, social health
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.003
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