Jonas Kairys, Renata Šturienė, Miglė Lamanauskaitė
The survey took place in October-December 2013. Every tenth patient over 18 years coming to the reception department of the clinic was invited to take part in the survey and fill in a questionnaire developed by the study team. 450 questionnaires were distributed, 392 were returned, a response rate of 87,1 %.The majority of respondents were satisfied with the working hours of the clinic: 07:00 – 20:00. A lower satisfaction about the working hours of the Outpatient clinic was expressed by respondents with income over 2000 LTL. Most respondents stated that the waiting time to see their physician is about a week. Most patients (30,7%) with higher education and respondents with income over 1501 LTL (32,7%) stated that the waiting time to see their physician is 1-5 day. According to the most of the patients participated in the survey, they spent from 5 to 10 minutes in the register to visit physician.
Keyword(s): primary health care, quality of health care, health care services accessibility, patient satisfaction, patient opinion, population socioeconomic groups.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.017
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