Edgaras Čiūras, Alvydas Navickas, Vita Danilevičiūtė
It is known that alcohol is a major factor leading to suicide, the increasing number of cases of abuse other psychoactive substances,increasing the related suicide and suicidal behaviour. Abuse of psychoactive substances is the second suicide rate cause of the depression. It is important to note that dependence together with depression, greatly increases the risk of suicide. Best prevention of suicide among people with addiction, is treatment of depression.Purpose of this study was to evaluate patients who are treated for addiction to alcohol and opioid drugs , to assess the level of depression, suicide risk, social status among subjects and compare these two groups. We can say that depression affects about half persons who were treated from addiction. Moderate depression often occurs among persons were treated from opioid addiction, severe depression occurs more often in group treated from alcohol addiction. Depression is more common in women than in men treatedwith psychoactive substance dependence. The percentage risk of suicide slightly higher in group treated from opioid addiction, also including single women , and acquired post- secondary education among the observed cases . Based on a statistically based data , we found that the risk of suicide increases when there is a combination of depression and addiction to psychoactive substances. The study showed that the social status (education, marital status ) worse in persons treated from addiction to opioid drugs.
Keyword(s): dependence, opioid drugs, alcohol, depression, suicide, suicide attempts, social factors.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.010
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