Jūratė Gudaitytė, Justina Jermolajevaitė, Martynas Judickas


Background and objectives: Acromegaly is endocri­nal disorder which results in changes involving ge­neral appearance as well as upper airway abnorma­lities, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders which can aggravate the anesthesia and can lead to compli­cations. We aim to discuss the challenges for anesthe­siologist that occurs facing patient with acromegaly and are necessary to investigate before performing any kind of intervention.
Case Presentation: 79 years old male patient presen­ted the hospital with recently diagnosed acromegaly for rectal prolapse surgery. From anamnesis he had NYHAIII with cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation and arterial hypertension, also multiple old compressive fractures Th10 – L5. He was graded with Mallam­pati score IV and ASA class IV. The complemen­tary examinations were made to assess the possible complications. In induction of general anesthesia the intubation was performed using fibro- bronchoscope and anesthesia went without complications except hypotension which was managed. After surgery the patient was leaded to the postoperative room for furt­her monitoring.
Discussion and Conclusion: Acromegalic patients have an increased risk of difficulty during anesthe­sia compared to general population due to difficult intubation, cardiovascular complications , OSA , alte­ration in intraoperative glucose intolerance and fluid regulation. Therefore profound investigation and as­sessment are necessary to predict and prepare for possible difficulties in the surgery room.

Keyword(s): acromegaly, anesthesia management, difficult intubation, cardiovascular complications.

DOI: 10.35988/sm-hs.2020.069
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