Dagmara Reingardienė
The Brugada syndrome is characterized by ST segment elevation in the right precordial ECG leads and a high incidence of sudden
death in patients with structurally normal hearts. The syndrome manifest primarily during adulthood, with a mean age of sudden death of approximately 40 years. The syndrome is thought to be responsible for 4 – 12% of all sudden deaths and at least 20% of deaths in patients with structurally normal hearts. The syndrome was described in 1992. The Brugada syndrome is a channelopathy that causes dysfunction of a cardiac channel participating in the action potencial. Inheritance in Brugada syndrome occurs as an autosomal dominant trait. In this review article there are discussed about definition and epidemiology of the disease, the electrocardiographic manifestations of the Brugada syndrome (three types of repoliarization patterns in the right precordial leads), clinical characteristics, diagnostic criteria for Brugada syndrome, differential diagnosis, drug – induced Brugada – like ECG patterns, basis for the greater prevalence of the Brugada phenotype in males, genetic factors underlying the Brugada syndrome, cellular and ionic mechanisms, management (indications for implantable cardioverter defibrillator, pharmacological approach to therapy in the Brugada syndrome), prevention and prognosis, and risk stratification.
Keyword(s): Brugada syndrome, sudden cardiac death, Brugada electrocardiographic pattern.
DOI: 10.5200/225
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