Dalia Bieliauskaitė, Diana Bilskienė, Milda Juškė, Kamilė Paulauskaitė, Darius Trepenaitis, Andrius Macas
Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FFB) is a very important and useful tool, which has diagnostic or therapeutic indications. Overall, it is a very safe procedure with low complication rates reported. There are several published guidelines to provide general guidance on the conduct of FFB. It can be performed with the desired outcome. An important component of the overall process is to ensure that the patient is both as safe and comfortable as possible. Choosing the proper agent and level of sedation along with adequate topical anaesthesia can make the experience better for the patient and the bronchoscopist. On the topic provide suggestions for the use of topical anaesthesia, analgesia, and sedation during bronchoscopy.
Article in Lithuanin
Keyword(s): fiberoptic bronchoscopy; intubation; recom-mendations; sedation; complications
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.134
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