Audronė Juodaitė-Račkauskienė


E-health covers facilities based on information and communication technologies which are used by health care institutions in order to ensure and improve monitoring of patients health condition, diagnostics and prevention (1).
According to the data of the study conducted by the Department of Statistics, at the beginning of 2011 almost all (99.6 percent) of health care and social work institutions with 10 and more staff used computers and internet in the daily routine work. At the beginning of 2011, there were 21.1 computers per 100 personnel, 38.4 percent of the staff of health care and social work institutions used computer and 35.6 percent used internet at least once in a week (31.4 and 29 percent respectively in 2009).  63.3 percent of the institutions possessed local computer networks (51.9 percent in 2009). Key areas of computer use includes administration of activities of the institutions (85.3 percent of the total), monitoring of public health, preparation of statistical reports for Patients Funds under the Ministry of Health (64.9 percent), and management of functional activity maintenance (34.8 percent) (2).

Keyword(s): physicians, nursing staff, information technology, e-health.
DOI: 10.5200/170
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