Vilija Berlin, Alina Pūrienė, Greta Dulkė
The study objectives were to investigate the preference of Lithuanian dentists to work with or without an assistant and to identify the most significant predictors for the preference. As well, we aimed to explore the education of practicing dental assistants in Lithuania. The information was collected by a postal questionnaire survey which was carried out among all practicing general dental practitioners and dental specialists in Lithuania (n=2971). The final response rate was 67.6% corresponding to 2,008 respondents. The results show that most dentists in Lithuania always or sometimes work without an assistant. Each third dentist of those who work with an assistant employ non-certified dental assistant. This may be done on purpose due to financial reasons. Dentists should be educated how efficient, ergonomic practice with a qualified dental assistant can be; inclusion of contemporary four-handed practice subject in applicants resume could improve employment of certified dental assistants in the long term.
Keyword(s): dental assistant; dentist; ergonomics.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.108
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