Andrius Macas, Diana Bilskienė, Alina Vilkė, Martynas Gedminas
The aim of this article is to review pathogenesis, clicinal manifestations, diagnostic and multimodality monitoring aspects of traumatic brain injury, as well as to point out the relevevance of prognosing outcomes.Traumatic brain injury is a major cause of death and disability, in young people particularly, thus contributing to immense siocio-economic costs of this condition. The main purpose of today‘s treatment protocols of traumatic brain injury is to ensure an environment that bolsters regeneration by interrupting any secondary insults. This goal is impossible to achieve without the use of current multimodality neuromonitoring.Due to the heterogenic nature of this contition, it is important to define the prognostic value of as many clicinal variables located in the treatment process of traumatic brain injury. Once the predictors are identified, meassures would be taken to come up with modern treatment recommendations and individual treatment patterns could be made. Developing precise prognostic models would help in clinical decision making, evaluating the quality of health care and would proove useful in future research.
Keyword(s): traumatic brain injury, intensive care, prognostic models, multimodality monitoring, cerebral oximetry.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.025
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