Konstantinas Daškevičius, Jelena Marcinkevičienė
Radical changes in Lithuanian politics, criminal law and forensic psychiatry practice provide rich documental material for observation of the evolution of the views of forensic psychiatrists and criminalization of mental disorders. The chronological frame for this study was chosen according to the principles of the political and legal systems of the period under study. The legal institution of criminal insanity is just one of the tools of criminal public law which in turn is the sphere of implementation of the general interior politics and possesses its main features. The analysis of the forensic psychiatric examinations material accumulated in 25 years established positive and negative correlations of insanity and other indicators, their dynamical changes and trends. They clearly and persuasively demonstrate a significantly lower level of criminal offenses among mental patients than in general population in Lithuania.
Keyword(s): forensic psichiatry criminal proceeding, insanity.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.001
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