Pranas Šerpytis, Aušra Deksnytė, Ramūnas Aranauskas, Ingrida Kazlauskaitė, Vida Žvironaitė, Egidijus Berūkštis
Objective. The intensive care patients are at high risk for the development of delirium therefore this condition is formerly known as ICU psychosis. Studies demonstrate, that cardiac surgery increases the risk of delirium, but its relation with interventional procedures is still unknown. The aim of this article is to establish whether percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) influences developing of delirium and its relation with patient‘s biological parameters (age, gender, comorbidity) also analyse the hospitalisation parameters of patiens with or without delirium. Methods. This was a retrospective study, conducted between 2008.01.01 and 2011.12.31 in intensive care unit of cardiology. Inclusion criteria included 6597 patents, mean age 65,7±10,7 years. Results. Delirium occured in 1,0% (n=62) patients who underwent PCI and 2,5% (n=17) treated conservatively. In cosnsideration of age group no significant difference in the incidence of delirium between different strategies of treating was found. Delirium was diagnosed to 51 (1.1%) men and 28 (1.3%) women; therefore the development of delirium does not depend on gender. Manifestation of delirium was associated with age (> 75 years), comorbidity (especially metabolic and cerebral blood flow disturbances) and pathophysiological indicators (hyperglycaemia, hyperuraemia, hypercreatininaemia). Hospitalisation was longer in patients with delirium: 11.5±8.6 days compared with 8.0±9.2 days without delirium, and by analogy mortality was increased: lethal outcome had 8 patients. Conclusion. PCI may be considered as a safe and low-traumatic intervention, because the incidence of delirium was not reliably different in PCI and conservative treatment groups.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): delirium; ICU psychosis; PCI
DOI: 10.5200/351
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