Daiva Sudmantienė, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Danguolė Drungilienė, Henrikas Kazlauskas


A stroke can cause prolonged disability and affects the quality of life. Actively and on time started a complex rehabilitation improves the progress of the disease, helps to recover lost functions, avoid complications, provides an opportunity for patients to maximum adjust to their activities of daily living. The aim of the study: to evaluate the effect of inpatient rehabilitation on the course of disease in patients after stroke. 207 patients after stroke participated in this study. The contingent consisted of 116 women and 91 men, age ranged from 48 to 81 years, the mean age – 67,2 years. The patients’ dysfunction in a daily living was assessed by the Barthel Index, cognitive function by the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). In order to specify patients’ age, residency and diagnosis of the disease, complications, the duration of rehabilitation and a complex rehabilitation programs, the prospective analysis was performed on rehabilitated patients’ medical history while they were treated in-patient base. At the start of rehabilitation, the mean Barthel score for the patients who did not have any complications, the dysfunction of a daily living, was 52,9, after rehabilitation – 74,5. During the rehabilitation period the mean Barthel score raised up to 21,6 (p<0,001). After completing the complex rehabilitation programs the cognitive functions’ change was 4,8 (p<0,001) by the end of inpatient rehabilitation. During the inpatient rehabilitation encountered complications reduced the efficacy of the rehabilitation.

Keyword(s): stroke; rehabilitation; functional independence; cognitive functions; complications
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2013.025
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