Balance And Coordination Exercises Improove Functional Performance As Well As Cognitive Function In Older Adults

Inga Muntianaitė, Fausta Blužaitė, Jurga Indriūnienė, Ramunė Žilinskienė, Akvilė Nainaitė Abstract The purpose of the research is to establish impact of applied physical activities based by balance and coordination exercises on functional performance and cognitive functions in elderly. Participants in research: Forty older adults took part in the research. The average age of participants was…

Assessment Of An Early Rehabilitation And Cognitive Functions Impact For Stationary Rehabilitative Treatment Affectiveness Of People, Who Have Suffered From Stroke: Case Analysis

Nijolė Šostakienė, Ina Valeckienė Abstract Cognition – mental ability, which is necessary in such processes as communication, learning, comprehension, judgment and evaluation, etc. Patients after stroke often confront with cognitive functions‘ impairments. Consequently, when talking about rehabilitative treatment, the question arises, which patients are „suitable“? How to decide, whether the patient is rehabilitative or not?…

The Effect of Inpatient Rehabilitation on the Course of Disease in Patients After Stroke

Daiva Sudmantienė, Geriuldas Žiliukas, Danguolė Drungilienė, Henrikas Kazlauskas Abstract A stroke can cause prolonged disability and affects the quality of life. Actively and on time started a complex rehabilitation improves the progress of the disease, helps to recover lost functions, avoid complications, provides an opportunity for patients to maximum adjust to their activities of daily…

The Importance of General Cognitive Functioning Scales in the Evaluation of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer‘S Disease Prognosis

Žilvinas Stepanavičius, Virginija Adomaitienė Abstract Still there is no consensus on the neuropsychological test battery that should be used for the diagnostics of mild cognitive impairment. It is recommended to use tests that involve more domains of cognitive functioning in order to make a more precise diagnosis. MMSE, 6-CIT, and ADAS-cog are mostly used scales…