Pranas Šerpytis
Aim of the research: to identify morbidity and mortality rates and distribution by age of females in Lithuania, who, based on the ICD – 10 classification diagnosed E10 – E14 (diabetes), I10 – I15 (hypertension), I20 (angina pectoris), I21 – I22 (myocardial infarction), I26 – I28 (pulmonary embolism, pulmonary heart disease, pulmonary vascular diseases), I60 – I69 (cerebrovascular diseases).
Materials and methods: a descriptive research was done. We used Compulsory Health Insurance Fund information system’s “SVEIDRA” morbidity and mortality data of 2001-2010. The patients were classified according to disease, gender and age. Female mortality was analyzed based on a cause of death.
Results. The morbidity of females with cardiovascular diseases is increasing. In 2001 diabetes mellitus was diagnosed to 1310,27/100000 females and in 2010 – 2631,35/100000. Arterial hypertension in 2001 was diagnosed to 10114,38 / 100000 and in 2010 – 17,368,72 / 100000. The morbidity of females with angina pectoris in 2001-2010 increased from 3179,24/100000 to 4140,21/100000. In 2001 acute myocardial infarction was diagnosed to 138,92/100000 and in 2010 – 176,0/100000. In 2001 – 2010 the morbidity of patients with pulmonary vascular disease increased from 30,21/100000 to 62,26/100000, and cerebrovascular diseases from 2955,57/100000 to 4050,38/100000.
Female mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases account for about 65% of all causes of death in Lithuania. In 2010 56,62% women died from coronary heart diseases, 48,7% of them – due to heart attacks. Deaths resulting from hypertensive diseases were diagnosed to 57,47% of women, cerebrovascular diseases – 57,12%.
Conclusions. Female morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease is higher than male in Lithuania, like in the rest of the world. In order to reduce female morbidity and mortality, it is necessary to intensify the prevention and involve more women in clinical studies to determine specific risk factors and treatment.
Keyword(s): women, morbidity, mortality, cardiovascular diseases.
DOI: 10.5200/131
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