Kęstutis Trainavičius, Egidijus Jatkauskas, Aidas Ivanauskas, Antanas Meška
Congenital malformations of the spleen are rare. Because of the risk of pedicle torsion and splenic ischemia, severe consequences may occur if not diagnosed and treated in time. Once the diagnosis of wandering spleen is made, splenopexy is the treatment of choice. We report 3 cases of wandering spleen presented as abdominal or pelvi-abdominal mass. One patient was suffering from chronic lower abdominal pain with thrombosed splenic pedicle and other two patients had an acute abdomen. Abdominal ultrasound was used to confirm the diagnosis. One patient underwent splenectomy, two – splenopexy. The clinical, diagnostic and treatment modalities are discussed.
Keyword(s): Wandering spleen; children; ultrasound; retroperitoneal pouch; splenopexy
DOI: 10.5200/393
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