Ieva Jūra Paulavičienė, Nijolė Drazdienė, Rimutė Vaitkevičienė, Nijolė Vezbergienė, Rymanta Gudaitienė, Laima Tamulienė, Laimutė Strupienė, Laima Duksienė
30 000 babies are born every year in Lithuania, about 5.5 per cent of them are preterm babies. 5 – 8 per cent of preterm newborns are extremly low gestation age newborns ( 22/0 – 27/6 weeks). These premature infants have morphological and function immaturity, so mortality, morbidity and development in the future are important problem. Risk of complications decrease in increasing gestation age and birth weight. The article presents preterm newborns treatment results, analyse structure of morbidity and development results. These premature infants have been treated in Children’s Hospital, Affiliate of Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu klinikos, Neonatology Centre.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): ELGAN (extremly low gestation age newborn); morbidity;mortality; development
DOI: 10.5200/375
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