Pranas Šerpytis
Despite modern treatment and diagnostics methods, patients suffering from acute decompensated heart failure 60 day mortality rate remains at 9,6%, furthermore, the hospitalization of patients with such diagnosis remains one of the most expensive. Nesiritide (recombinant human B-type natriuretic peptide) is a comparatively new drug for intravenous infusions, indicated for patients with acute decompensated heart failure, followed by dispneja (shortness of breath) at rest or minimal activity. Latest clinical trials and their meta-analysis prove, that 60 and 180 days mortality rate remains at the same level as placebo, and the administering of nesiritide at the recommended dosage, does not compromise renal function as well as it does not provoke arrhythmias. However the effectiveness of the drug is quite doubtful – the level of effectiveness of nesiritide, administered at the same indications, does not have any advantages, comparing to the drugs that are currently administered at clinical practice. Furthermore, the standard treatment is cheaper. Presented clinical case describes accurate and indicative administering of the nesiritide – as a result the patient’s condition improved drastically. The best candidate for nesiritide therapy is a patient, who has failed single or combined diuretics treatment.
Keyword(s): nesiritide, Acute heart failure, Chronic Heart Failure.
DOI: 10.5200/146
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