Rasa Dagienė



Cancer is the second largest chronical non infectious illness leading to morbidity  and mortality. The well-timed diagnose makes it very important to apply specific cancer treatment. Methods like operational, radiotherapy and chemoteraphy are mostly applicable. At early stages of cancer treatment,  radical operation or radical radiotherapy is performed. Later stages of this illness are ascribabled to consistent curing or coincide chemoradiotherapy treatment.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the changes of working capacity of oncological patients, and their attitude towards medical services. Therefore, an anonimic questionnaire was carried out in the oncological medical service third level institution. 300 respondents were questioned: 118 men and 182 women, average age 57,55. The rate of answers – 88,2 %.
Results: summarising the working capacity case histories (anamnesis) at pre-diagnostical stage the difference between men and women 8 hour working day is statistically obvious (χ2=4,17;lls= 4; p<0,05).
No significant differences were noticed while evaluating oncological patients‘ activities in correlation of the tumour localisation. However, the connection of working capacity with early and late stages of cancer localisation is statistically obvious (p<0,05).
According to patients‘ age, even 193 respondents noted that working disability wasn‘t stated. The conclusion can be drawn that most of respondents whose working disability wasn‘t stated are retired, as there is no need to apply to disability estimation office for social quarantee.
While evaluation the emotional state of a group of oncological patients at a late stage of the desease the emotional balance was violated in comparison with the early stage (p<0,05).
Even 52 % of respondents noted that the consultation of oncologist radiotherapeutist at the third level service Klaipėda University Hospital was available the same week.
In the groups according to sex, place of residence and education no evident differences were estimated while evaluation their communication with a doctor. (p>0,05)
Even 75 % of respondents evaluated  the quality of oncological services in Lithuania as very or sufficiently good. Statistically obvious difference between city and country residents was noted: country residents evaluated the quality of services as very high (34,51 proc.), while city residents made only 18,72 %( χ2 = 10,92; lls=4; p=0,0274 ).
Conclusions. The research noted the good index of patients‘ satisfaction with high level oncological services when early and full-rate of specific services are available. Most of patients trust the medical staff and feel safe in the medical care institution. Country residents evaluated the quality of services as very high than city residents made. While evaluation the emotional state of a group of oncological patients at a late stage of the desease the emotional balance was violated in comparison with the early stage (p<0,05).

Keyword(s): malignant tumour, specific treatment of oncological deseases, quality and accessibility of services
DOI: 10.5200/96
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