Diana Barragan Ferrer, Jesus Manuel Barragan Ferrer
Recently, there have been a variety of disputes concerning the possibility that some preservatives might influence cancer development. Following this concern, many assumptions about how to avoid the usage of preservatives when producing some cosmetic products have been discussed. The aim of this research is to determine the necessity of preservatives in cosmetic powder. Few experiments have been performed to estimate the possibility of eliminating the non-preservative cosmetic powder to satisfy the HN-64 requirements of the hygienic standard as same as those that containing preservatives. For this purpose, it was estimated the amount of moisture, the number of microorganisms in the cosmetic powder and the influence of preservative considering the number of microorganisms. After the experiments have been performed, it was confirmed that the proper selection of ingredients, excluding those that can increase the growth of microorganisms, allows avoiding the use of preservatives when producing the cosmetic powder.
Keyword(s): Cosmetic powder; preservatives; the amount of moisture
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.085
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