Veslava Janovič, Lina Ragelienė, Alvydas Juocevičius, Juozas Raistenskis, Judita Doveikienė
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of physical activity to the quality of life in pediatric with haemophilia. Methods. 32 patients with severe haemophilia A and B were enrolled in the study, including 16 boys from Toronto Sick Kids hospital rehabilitation department and 16 – from Children‘s Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Center. The age range was 4-17 years. Patient‘s joints state was assessed by Haemophilia Health Joint Score (HJHS), functional independence by Functional Independence Score in Haemophilia (FISH) and quality of life by using the Canadian Children with Haemophilia Quality of Life Questionnaire (CHO-KLAT). Statistical analysis was performed using „SPSS Statistics 20“. Results and conclusions. Our results showed that children with haemophilia receiving prophylactic treatment and regular physical therapy have significantly better joint state, functional independence and quality of life. Children psychoemotional state, quality of treatment and opportunities to participate in sporting activities have significant impact on their quality of life. The prophylactic treatment and physical therapy should be combine and well organized in order to improve children with haemophilia quality of life in Lithuania.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): haemophilia; haemophilic artropathy; physical therapy; functional independence; quality of life
DOI: 10.5200/284
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