Aldona Bartkevičienė
The aim of the study was to assess the impact of sport disciplineon changes in left ventricular echocardiographic parameters andto determine the factors influencing echocardiographic parametersin child and adolescent athletes participating in different sport.Material and methods. A total of 167 male athletes aged 12–17years: 62 (37.2 %.) basketball players, 51 (30.5 %) rowers, 54(32.3%) cyclists, and 168 healthy nonathletic controls matchedfor age, height, and weight were involved in this study. Twodimensional,M-mode, and Doppler echocardiography were usedto evaluate left ventricular dimensions. Absolute parametersand parameters corrected for body surface area and height werecalculated.Results. The highest LVPWTd was recorded in rowerscomparing with basketball players, and control group, andcomparing also with cyclists, LVPWTd/BSA1/2 and RWT werethe highest in rowers. Cyclists had the highest LVM/BSA3/2 ascompared with analogous parameters in basketball players andcontrol subjects and the highest LVIDd/BSA1/2 as comparedbasketball players, rowers and control subjects. LVM of basketballplayers was dependent on age, body weight and training duration.Age and training duration were independent factors for LVM incyclists, and only age in rowers. LVPWTd of basketball players wasdependent on training volume, LVIDd and IVSTd were dependenton training duration and echocardiographic parameters of LV ofrowers were dependent only on age.Conclusion. Our study demonstrated that highest RWT wasrecorded in rowers comparing with basketball players, cyclists andcontrol group, and highest LVIDd/BSA1/2 was recorded in cyclistscomparing with basketball players, rowers and control group.LVM of basketball players was dependent on age, body weightand training duration. Age and training duration were independentfactors for LVM in cyclists, and only age in rowers.
Keyword(s): sport discipline, children and adolescent, left ventricle, echocardiography
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.094
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