Relation Between Emotional Status and Body Functions, Activities and Participation for Persons with Sci

Alvydas Juocevičius, Juozas Raistenskis, Lina Būtėnaitė, Sigita Kilkutė, Dina Žigarienė, Algirdas Valiulis Abstract Introduction: Spinal cord injury – condition, when occur lesion in wholeness of spinal cord and below it occur disturbances in senses and motor functions that cause problems in participation. Psychological state is related with body functions and participation, social factors. Purpose: Evaluate…

Application of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Evaluation Functional Status Related to Work of People After Spinal Cord Injury

Alvydas Juocevičius, Aušra Adomavičienė, Juozas Bernatavičius, Monika Jadzevičiūtė Abstract The aim – to evaluate the main benefits of ICF in people‘s after spinal cord injury functional independence related to employment. Gainful employment is important part of life persons after SCI. It providing financial security also provides an environment for social interaction, associated with a higher…

The Efficacy of Outpatient Rehabilitation in Patients with Disorders of the Lumbosacral Plexus and the Factors Influencing it

Aušrinė Urbonienė, Aleksandras Kriščiūnas, Raimondas Savickas Abstract Objective was to evaluate the efficacy of outpatient rehabilitation and to determine factors that influence it in patients with disorders of the lumbosacral plexus. Methods. The research was performed in two stages. The outpatient rehabilitation medical records data of 280 patients with lumbosacral plexus disorders were analyzed retrospectively…