The Analysis Of The Application Of Diminished Responsibility Criteria For Persons With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

Konstantinas Daškevičius, Jelena Daškevičienė Abstract In improving the modern law, increasing its humanistic potential, overcoming the traditional formalistic-bureaucratic nature of law, its apathy, reducing the psychologically traumatising effect for persons with psychological disorders, the diminished responsibility norm was put into force in 2000. However, it is seldom realised in the Lithuanian forensic psychiatry evaluation practice,…

Some Aspects Of Diminished Responsibility In Republic Of Belarus

Sergey Igumnov, Anastasiya Nestsiarovich Abstract The article provides the review of the current approach to diminished responsibility in Republic of Belarus including the majordefinitions, legislative acts and forms of its practical realization. The authors also provide the recommended algorithms of proper methodology of expert conclusion formation basing on the analysis of contribution of legislative and…