Violeta Butrimienė
Speech training methods are selected according to the predominant speech impairment. In severe speech retrieval cases, the training is commenced with non-lingual communication methods, proceeding to the pronunciation of sounds, auditory training, etc. An important role is played by the organs of speech, tongue, teeth, lips, palate, and the training of the whole vocal apparatus. Speech restoration is based on the employment and exercise of auditory and visual perception as well as tactile and kinaesthetic methods.
Positive results are observed by applying technical instruments. One of them is the electrotherapy treatment unit with vocaSTIM® to restore tonality and the swallowing function, to reduce saliva flow, and to activate the motoric coordination of the vocal apparatus, particularly in the case of dysarthrias and larynx pareses. Computer programs adapted to the patient’s possibilities are used for teaching the re-recognition of letters, syllables, words, and texts, listening to audio recordings, training auditory perception, phonemic hearing and other cognitive processes.
According to scientific data, the most successful rehabilitation in speech retrieval takes place during the first three months and the first half-year (6-8 months) following the active phase of rehabilitation [8]. Upon leaving rehabilitation institutions, approximately 80% of patients are recommended the continuation of speech training at their places of residence. According to the data table, patients would be able to integrate into a partially more complete life under relevant age groups. However, the joint survey of patients and their relatives shows that such opportunities are improved only by a few of all patients who return to a rehabilitation facility for proceeding rehabilitation after a year. It is important for a regional network of outpatient rehabilitation and day care centres to operate in facilitating contact and communication between the surrounding environment and patients with speech impairments in their daily activities.
Keyword(s): speech therapy-based correction, speech function disorders, cerebral diseases, cognitive disorders
DOI: 10.5200/5
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