Žydra Kuprėnaitė, Jolita Lubienė, Ramunė Ubeikienė
In today’s society, where more and more often dominate strange relationships, based on economic calculation, it is especially relevant to analyze the social factors to the emerging personality and its social health. We can distinguish, as particularly important, the following factors: family, friends and school. Each social interaction plays a function of socialization, but – not everyone is equally important. At the time of social interaction, a person learns to behave according to certain norms, takes appropriate skills. According to the socialization personality is formed with typical public attitudes, needs, values and behavior models. The community a person is educated in – family or educational institution, – interacts inevitably with the educational and cultural institutions. With the research it is aimed to identify the impact of some social factors to the teenagers’ social health.
Keyword(s): adolescents; gender; social health; social environment; socialization; family; school; friends
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2015.041
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