Rasa Kučinskaitė, Aurika Karbonskienė


Gastrointestinal endoscopy (GIE) has a great diagnostic and therapeutic value. However, patients experience unpleasant sensations such as irritation of reflexogenous zones, nausea, cough, abdominal distension and pain during these procedures. Therefore, lengthy and traumatic procedures are recommended to be performed under medium or deep sedation. Optimal medications and combinations of these for sedation during GIE are still being sought. Ideally, these medications should be short-acting and produce easily manageable level of sedation with the absence of side effects. Benzodiazepines and opioids are traditionally commonly used during GIE. An overview of commonly used sedative medications and their combinations comparing different tactics and adverse effect of sedation is presented in this article.

Keyword(s): endoscopy; sedation; midazolam; propofol; fentanyl.
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.062
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