Olga Belous, Lina Petrauskaitė
The opinion poll of dental clinics staff and patients on microbial contamination of the offices were fulfilled. The microbial pollution in private companies UAB ,,A“, UAB ,,B“ UAB ,,C“ were analysed . It was found, that the evaluation of hygiene requirements and preventive measures application and microbial contamination monitoring in dental health care offices is inadequate. Employees paid too little attention to patients and their health is determined by their negligent attitude to the human safety, lack of skills and as a consequence the rise of diseases caused by following microorganisms were recognised: oral spread of microorganisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and epidemic outbreaks of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pathogen, virus hepatitis causing liver inflammation and even cirrhosis, Candida albicans fungus, and many other microorganisms.
Personal protection measures can reduce transmission of infection to spread. The assessment of the literature and present survey data was shown, there is no doubt that there is necessity for determination of oral microflora spreading area and its prevention means for further optimization of the relevant research topic, and there is suggestion to pay more attention to patients and employees working environment, environmental risks and to provide an adequate amount of personal preventive measures.
Article in Lithuanian
Keyword(s): microorganisms; infection; microbial contamination; personal protective equipment
DOI: 10.5200/319
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