Vidmantas Žegunis, Tadas Stančikas, Tadas Abelkis, Kristupas Žegunis


Results of 79 Total Ankle Replacements (TAR), performed on 76 patients in Klaipeda University Hospital since 1998 till the end of 2011 are discussed. Cumulative survival rate during this period was 74%. The main reason for 12 revision surgeries was infection and implant loosening. On average, in compare with total hip and total knee arthroplasties, TAR patients were younger and not dominated by females, what could influence inferior results of surgery. Examined patients and those, who answered questionare basicly were satisfied with function of the operated joint. We can recomend TAR as reliable procedure for the treartment in terminal stages of ankle arthrosis.

Article in Lithuanian


Keyword(s): total ankle replacement; long term results of total ankle replacement
DOI: 10.5200/329
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