Virginija Adomaitienė, Žilvinas Stepanavičius, Veronika Aniūnė, Rima Gudaitytė


Aim – to evaluate the relationship of suicidal behavior and cognitive disorders in the elderly. Study participants and method. The data of 184 patients, with tested cognitive functioning, was analyzed in this study. Patient group with suicidal behavior was compared to one without suicidal behavior. Results and conclusions. An elderly patient who is at risk for suicidal behavior and has cognitive disorders commonly lives in an urban area, has a secondary education, and has a comorbid somatic illness. Also, these patients indicate their suicidal behavior during the first year from psychiatric diagnosis. An elderly patient who is at risk for suicidal behavior has disorders in such cognitive domains as working memory, attention, orientation, visuo-spatial and language abilities.


Keyword(s): elderly; cognitive disorders; suicidal behavior
DOI: 10.5200/311
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