Alvydas Česas, Asta Poškienė, Vaida Balsienė
We present a rare case of neuroendocrine colorectal carcinoma.69-year-old woman presented with a pain in the abdomen andright side of the waistband. She was operated, was made the righthemicolectomy. Histopathologically infiltrative adenocarcinoma ofthe ascending colon was approved. Distant metastases wasn‘t foundand the adjuvant chemotherapy was administered. After 3 yearswas operated because of liver metastases. Histopathologically welldifferentiated neuroendocrine metastases of the liver was approved.The patient was succesful treated with the combined therapy:locally (surgery/SIRT/TAE), systemic (somatostatin analog,everolimus). She lives already 67 months after metastatic diseasediagnosis without acute carcinoid syndrome and her performancestatus is still verry good. In conclusion, combinated treatment canbe verry succesful in the disease control, also it needs qualifiedmultidisciplinary doctors team to make right decisions.
Keyword(s): neuroendocrine tumors, carcinoid syndrome, somatostatin analogs, SIRT, TAE
DOI: 10.5200/sm-hs.2014.092
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